Lose Fat FAST With This Simple Supplement and Workout Plan
Table of Contents
Top Fat Burning Supplements, Diet and Training Tips
Clenbuterall (legal Clenbuterol alternative). Top fat burning supplement.
Simply put, Clenbuterall, a top notch fat loss supplement which can help you to:
- Burn Fat Stored In Your Body
- Significantly Lower Your Food Cravings
- Give You More Energy
- Better Your Mood In General
WinsdrolV (legal Stanozolol alternative). Helps with muscle tone and strength gains.
A great weight loss dietary supplement that can make your goal weight more feasible quickly and smoothly, by helping you shed fat and not muscle mass! Here it what it is able to do for you:
- Speed Up Your Metabolism
- Help Your Body Burn Fat
- Suppress Your Appetite
- Decrease Fat Cell Regeneration Rates
Best Diet For Fat Loss
Low Carb Diet
Defined as: Getting 15–40% of daily calories from carbs; the remaining 85-60%, split between protein and fat.
Compared to eating a traditional diet, switching to a low-carb diet can significantly reduce body fat, studies show. Cap your carb intake at 20% of daily calories and the weight-loss results are even stronger—plus, you can reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.
Some research suggests low-carb diets, better than low-fat diets. One study found that people who limited their carbs lost eight more pounds than those who cut back on fat.
If you cut back on carbs enough, your body learns to burn fat as fuel instead. Studies are mixed on how low-carb diets affect performance, but some evidence suggests that endurance performance can actually improve among people whose bodies adapt to fat-burning fairly easily.
Teaching your body to burn fat instead of carbs takes time, so you have to be patient while you feel sluggish during the weeks it takes to become fat-adapted.
And not every body burns fat as efficiently as carbs, so your endurance may never measure up (though, as we said before, others actually see an improvement here.)
Without carbs, your body’s ability to generate explosive energy will most likely decline, so if you love sprinting or HIIT, you might need to consume more carbs than other low-fat dieters.
And while you’ll probably lose body fat, this kind of diet is actually keeping you focused on the wrong macro: Studies have proven that the higher protein aspect of a low-carb diet helps promote weight loss, rather than the lower carb count.
Ketogenic diet (KETO)
What it is: Less than 10% of daily calories from carbs, 10-30% from protein, 60-80% from fat.
Pros: Technically a subtype of low-carb diet, the keto diet is unique: By depriving your body of carbohydrates, you not only force your body to become fat-adapted, but also, if you keep protein low as well, elevate your levels of ketone bodies, which is basically a sign your body is running on fat.
The keto diet puts you in a unique metabolic state called ketosis wherein your brain burns ketones instead of glucose—and, in doing so, supposedly leads to clearer thinking.
Physically, eating such a high amount of fat significantly increases your body’s ability to burn body fat, according to the study analysis.
Research also shows keto athletes have a higher VO2 max, and are able to lose fat without losing strength or power.
Cons: That same study on the perks of being a keto athlete also found those same dieters had a lower exercise economy (how efficiently you use oxygen while moving).
And whereas pretty much every other diet offers flexibility in the macro range, eating a few too many grams of carbs or protein will knock your body out of ketosis, so you have to be pretty committed to see the perks of this one.
Lastly, the low protein count required to stay in ketosis may be holding you back here: A study analysis in Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases found upping protein on a keto diet by just 5% tripled fat loss.
Best Exercises For Fat Loss
A Balanced Attack For Better Fat Loss
This weeklong training plan for fat loss. Repeat for four weeks and cycled into your routine as needed. Hitting all the major muscle groups, paying special attention to typical trouble spots like abs and glutes.
This balanced attack to hit every muscle group evenly helps you develop a proportional, symmetrical physique. And you don’t need to drive yourself to exhaustion and failure on each and every exercise.
Still push yourself to lift as much weight as is comfortable, but the goal is to forge a more powerful mind-muscle connection from workout to workout and week to week.
Build Muscle To Burn Fat
Keep in mind, getting lean isn’t simply about blasting body fat. It’s also about keeping or adding muscle, which will help you burn fat even at rest. This training plan revolves around a hypertrophy-focused rep range of 8-15 reps per set, taking only 45-60 seconds of rest between.
More Work In Less Time: Your Fat-Blasting Plan
To squeeze in more work in less time, use supersets, controlled negatives, and mixes in a number of different exercises and a variety of training equipment to keep workouts fresh and challenging.
As you’ll see, some exercises involve as many reps as possible (AMRAP), but if you reach 20 reps, be sure to increase the weight in the next workout. Workouts take 45-75 minutes, with the emphasis on lifting to build muscle and burn fat. They also include cardio if needed.
Throughout the program, you’ll weight train five days per week, with a sixth day of cardio.
4 Week Plan
In Week 1, do 3-4 working sets, training in a 12-15 rep range. The aim here is to set your baseline, find a challenging working weight, which should be a weight you can handle for 10-12 reps before hitting failure. Your split throughout the program includes two upper-body focused days, and two lower-body focused days, with a final full-body active-recovery workout to round out the training week.
- In Week 2, bump up your working weights so you reach failure at 8-10 reps, and drop your rep ranges on the working sets to the 6-12 rep range. Throughout the 4-week program, keep the same resistance load for all working sets of a given exercise, increasing the weight from workout to workout as needed. Don’t forget to warm up before lifting heavy, and don’t jump up to a heavier weight if you’re not ready—that’s a recipe for injury.
- In Week 3, bump up the working set count to 4 sets per exercise, but keep the same weights as in Week 2. This way you’re still progressively overloading your muscles by adding volume, which helps burn calories and increase the overall workout intensity.
- In Week 4, keep the same working weights as before, but increase to 5 sets per exercise, once again increasing the progressive overload through a higher volume.
1. Superset
3 sets
Band Standing Abductions
15 reps
Lateral Band Walk
15 reps
2. Standing Leg Curl
3-5 sets.
5 sets, 8-12 reps
3. Sumo Deadlift
3-5 sets.
5 sets, 8-12 reps
4. Superset
Smith Machine Hip Raise
3-5 sets.
5 sets, 8-12 reps
Kettlebell Curtsy Lunge
or perform curtsy lunge on Smith Machine. 3-5 sets.
5 sets, 10-12 reps
5. Superset
Leg Press
perform banded. 3-5 sets.
5 sets, 12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine
3-5 sets.
5 sets, 20 reps (AMRAP on last set)
6. One-Legged Cable Kickback
3-5 sets.
5 sets, 15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
7. Superset
Ball Leg Curl
3-5 sets
5 sets, 15 reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge
on BOSU ball. 3-5 sets.
5 sets, 15 reps
1. Band Pull Apart
3-5 sets
5 sets, 15 reps
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
3. Superset
3-5 sets
Incline Dumbbell Flyes
10-12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Bench With Palms Facing In
10-12 reps
4. Superset
3-5 sets
Side Lateral Raise
8-12 reps
Bench Dips
8-12 reps
5. Dumbbell One-Arm Shoulder Press
perform seated. 3-5 sets
5 sets, 10-12 reps (AMRAP on last set)
6. Superset
3-5 sets
Front Dumbbell Raise
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
One-Arm Side Laterals
15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
7. Ab Circuit
3-5 sets
20-30 seconds
Oblique Crunches
15-20 reps
15-20 reps
1. Band Pull Apart
3 sets, 15 reps
2. Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
3. Bent Over Barbell Row
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
4. Superset
3-5 sets
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown
10-12 reps
Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl
10-12 reps
5. Superset
3-5 sets
Leverage High Row
10-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
EZ-Bar Curl
10-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
6. Superset
3-5 sets
Straight-Arm Pulldown
10-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Face Pull
10-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
7. Superset
3-5 sets
Hyperextensions (Back Extensions)
15 reps
Reverse Machine Flyes
15 reps
8. Superset
3-5 sets
Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift
15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
One-Legged Cable Kickback
15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
1. Triset
3 sets
Band Standing Abductions
15 reps
Lateral Band Walk
15 reps
One-Legged Cable Kickback
perform with band
15 reps
2. One-Legged Cable Kickback
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
3. Barbell Hip Thrust
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
4. Wide-Stance Barbell Squat
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
5. Superset
3-5 sets
Split Jump
10-12 reps
Single Leg Deadlift
10-12 reps
6. Superset
3-5 sets
Leg Extensions
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Dumbbell Walking Lunge
12-15 reps (with kick-back)
7. Seated Leg Curl
3-5 sets
5 sets, 12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
1. Band Pull Apart
3 sets, 15 reps
2. Standing Military Press
3-5 sets
5 sets, 8-12 reps
3. Superset
3-5 sets
Upright Barbell Row
8-12 reps
Barbell Shrug
8-12 reps
4. Superset
3-5 sets
Leverage Chest Press
8-12 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Seated Cable Rows
8-12 reps (AMRAP on last set)
5. Triset
3-5 sets
Good Morning
12-15 reps
Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover
12-15 reps
Jackknife Sit-Up
on bench
12-15 reps
6. Triset
3-5 sets
Barbell Curl
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Arnold Dumbbell Press
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Russian Twist
12-15 reps
7. Triset
3-5 sets
Side Lateral Raise
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Front Dumbbell Raise
12-15 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Hanging Leg Raise
12-15 reps
8. Triset
3-5 sets
Triceps Pushdown – Rope Attachment
8-12 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Triceps Pushdown
8-12 reps (AMRAP on last set)
Cable Crunch
8-12 reps