Synthol, site enhancement oil (SEO) meant to create illusion of a developed muscle. Due to cosmetics properties, site enhancement oil, used heavily in bodybuilding, fitness and modeling. Bodybuilders rely on synthol to hide a lagging body part which doesn’t respond well to training. Synthol, often used in muscles of the lower leg (calves). Visible shoulder muscle (deltoids) and muscles of upper arms (biceps and triceps). Use of oil to cover a weakness is commonly referred to as “fluffing”.
Oils used in synthol, normally based on medium-length MCT chains. Because, believed this gives the best effects.
Bodybuilding requires development of proportional and symmetric physique. However, while some muscle groups develope nicely as a result of regular training. Others will lag behind and balance levels, affected negatively. Factors that cause this phenomenon: genetics and exercise technique.
In bodybuilding genetics play an insanely important role. Most experts believe that whether you succeed in bodybuilding or not, predetermined when mommy and daddy made you. They’re right. Everybody geta big by using anabolic steroids, but big does not always equal better. Many more judging elements to consider – muscle maturity, proportions, muscle bellies, insertions, muscle shape…etc. Many depending solely on your DNA.
Bodybuilding and Muscle Enhancement Oil
What most bodybuilders notice when they first get involved in bodybuilding, that some muscle groups get bigger much faster than others. Sometimes, so pronounced that those specific muscles remain prominent even if trained with less intensity and frequency than the lagging ones. A good example, muscles of lower leg and specifically, calf muscles.
Many famous bodybuilders such as Dexter Jackson, Dennis Wolf, Flex Wheeler and many more can’t develop muscular and powerful calves muscles despite all training, abuse of anabolic steroids and best bodybuilding coaching in the world. In similar situations, muscle just doesn’t grow no matter what, bodybuilders often start using on the problematic muscle group with site enhancement oils or use muscle implants in order to reduce the obvious weakness.
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