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Anadroll (ANAPOLON)


90 Tablets Per Bottle

  • Facilitate Muscle Growth
  • Rapid Strength Gain
  • Faster Recovery
SKU: adrol-pills-1B-90T-ML Category: Tag:


This Oxymetholone-Free Supplement is a Safe and Effective Legal Anadrol Steroid Alternative

Anadroll™ (Androl) is one of the most popular legal steroids for building muscle and increasing strength. Muscle Labs USA Anadroll™, the legal Anadrol steroid alternative.

Anadroll is the go-to muscle pill for every hard gainer who struggles to surpass strength plateaus and build new muscle. While when used alone, Androll, a reliable ergogenic for muscle building, fat loss, and increasing strength.

History of Anadrol

Considered one of the strongest oral steroids. Designed back in the 1960’s to treat muscle wasting diseases like osteoporosis. Also used for the treatment of HIV wasting.

Bodybuilders love how Anadroll kicks in fast and completely changing ones physique. Anadrol, also known as Oxymetholone, is an anabolic androgenic steroid.

Most often, people talk about Anadrol 50. The 50 stands for the dosage, 50mg per tablet. In bodybuilding circles, they call it Abombs or Anapolon.

The bad thing about Anadrol, side effects. Biggest issue? ADrol is hepatoxic. Meaning, serious damage to the liver when used too long. While this reason alone is the reason Muscle Labs USA created a legal alternative, completely safe and non-toxic to the body.

How Anadroll™ Works

Androll™ is a great alternative to Androl because it mimics the effects of Adrol. Because no banned substances are in Muscle Labs USA Anadroll your gains and strength are increased with great confidence that product is 100% safe and legal.

Anadroll works great when stacked with other Muscle Labs USA supplements. Diandrobol and Deccabolan when stacked with Anadroll™ blows your strength through the roof and amazing muscle mass gains.

How to Use Anadroll Legal Anadrol Steroid Alternative

Recommended dose is 1-3 tablets daily. Best when taken an hour before working out or weight lifting. Each bottle contains 90 tablets. Can take tablet with water or milk. You’ll lift more weight and have faster muscle recovery and muscle growth.

Anadroll (ANAPOLON)


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